We are happy to host drop in D&D games. Check out the expectations and then see if you are interested in any of our Adventures.

Character Creation Expectations

Here are the rules on character building:

  • Species ( previously called races ) from the 2024 Player’s Handbook or Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse
  • All Classes are welcome.
  • Stats are generated using the point buy method [ PHB (2014) p13 / PHB (2024) p38 ].
  • Unless noted in the adventure blurb your character starts with the standard starting equipment.
  • If you are unsure about something, ask before the game starts.

Player Expectations

  • Players are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect. 
  • Players are expected to play in good faith and leave room for each other.
  • PvP will not be allowed.
  • X cards will be in use and players are expected to respect them.


These are the currently scheduled upcoming games, details will be added as we decide them.

Happy Jacks Funhouse

Date: April 5th
Time: 2pm

The painted man rode into town, tossing candy and small trinkets to the cheering children. The children, their mouths stuffed with gumdrops, laughed at his jet-black horse adorned with a white saddle festooned with jingle bells.

He introduced himself to the town elders as Happy Jack and asked their permission to set up his attraction in the town square. The elders, seeing the happiness in the children, agreed.

Happy Jack brought with him food vendors and a thrill ride—a large painted attraction which manifested from a leather green and red checkerboard satchel after he placed it on the ground.

All was fun for two days…

Character Creation Modifications

Please make a Level 5 character that has the standard equipment plus 500gp worth of mundane upgrades (hint: Healing Potions are 50gp and are mundane). In addition to that you may pick one uncommon magical item.