Grab your dice, put out the board, set your minis, and take a seat ...
Storyweaver Games
Board Games
Tabletop RPGs
Magic The Gathering
We are a tabletop gaming store providing the Gunnison Valley and surrounding areas with a local option. We not only sell games and tabletop hobby supplies but provide a place people can come and play. Come in and borrow board games and play with your friends on our tables or meet new people to play a tabletop RPG or paint your army with your frenemies. We also have various 3D printers which you can buy time on to print your customized designs.
New Games, Models and ttRPGs
What's New
Every week we get in new games, new rpg books, new Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, and new dice, so many dice. We also highlight new 3d models that can be assured to be printed this week.