Storyweaver Games is excited to be hosting a game of Call of Cthulhu. Call of Cthulhu is a game about secrets, mysteries, and horror. Playing the role of steadfast investigators, teams of characters travel to strange and dangerous places, uncover foul plots, and stand against the terrors of the night. On the way, they will encounter sanity-blasting entities from beyond space and time, hideous monsters, and insane cultists. Within strange and forgotten tomes of lore they will discover secrets that humanity was not meant to know. These ordinary people will face many challenges, but their heroic stand may very well decide the fate of the world.

Creating an Investigator

The investigators for our game should be new investigators, if you have the investigator rules already or would like to come in 1 hour early you may create your own investigator. No worries if you don’t, we have pre-created character sheets.

Player Expectations

  • Players are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect. 
  • Players are expected to play in good faith and leave room for each other.
  • PvP will not be allowed.
  • X cards will be in use and players are expected to respect them.


You have recently been contacted by Rupert Merriweather, an aging man you have known for some time. Merriweather is unwell and seems not long for this world. He has asked you to meet him at St. Mary’s Teaching Hospital in Arkham. You haven’t seen the man for quite some time, so this urgent summons appears to be quite important. Perhaps he has something to tell you before he dies?

It is summer in 1923 and Rupert Merriweather, an elderly gentleman, whom the investigators (YOU) have known for a significant time, has contacted you from his deathbed. Decide beforehand if you were friends, relatives, teacher and student, or former colleagues.

On his deathbed Marriweather reveals to you and the others gathered that, in his youth, he and his friends dabbled in the occult. They only stopped after letting an evil into the world that he thought would be trapped forever in a house. In the final weeks of his life he has become concerned that it would get out. He asks if you and the others gathered here would banish it back where it came from.